Sunday, October 4, 2015

Town Hall 10 Base with 275 Walls + SpeedBuild Video

So again it's been a long time since my last post, but here I am with a new Town Hall 10 Base design including the 25 new walls added in the September Update. This base design focuses in Dark Elixir protection. The base is called HyperCube X and is created by Eternal625 for SuperCell forum.

So basically this base occupies the whole base making it difficult for attacker to place their troops freely. The concept of the base is also making it difficult to utilize Earthquake Spell and Jump spell.
Another good thing about it it the second layer of the base which is filled with resource building forcing troops who go after defenses like Golems and Giants to go all around the first layer follow the defenses, which will make attacker loose more time.

So now let's warp out the Pro's and Con's of this base :

Pro's :

  • Hugely expanded
  • Dark Elixir Protection
  • Ring with Defenses
  • Anti Golem, Giant, Hog, Ballon
  • Anti Wizard and Archers Spacing
  • First layer a bit too open
  • Resources gathered in one layer

As you can see on the picture above, this base offers a 3 tiles distance from the walls against Wizards and Archer so they can aim at them without breaking the wall. I just made this base design and I'll test if in the following weeks and post defense logs regularly. Below is my first speedbuild video of this base so please leave a reply or comment about it. Enjoy.

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