Saturday, March 14, 2015

TH9 Farming Base

Hey there clashers as you may know in honor of the Ultimate Pi Day I'm doing multiple posts today. So for the third post today I'll be showing you a TH9 base that I have actually used before. It's mainly used for DE protection but works well for the rest of the resources.

Clash of Clans TH10 Farming Base 1
Designer unknown.

- Clan Castle centralized.
- DE storage  centralized.
- X-bows centralized.
- Teslas centralized- which at high levels are very powerful.
- Loot is spread out.
- Air Defenses are squared and spread out for maximum protection.
- Wiz towers are squared and spread out.
- Mortars are squared and spread out.

- Top left and top right loot can be easily taken when the first storage is taken out.

That's all for now, I couldn't get any defense logs for this one. If you liked this base or if you've used it before let us know how it worked for you or what you think of it by commenting below. If you like this make sure to check out our other posts such as attacking guides and tips and tricks. Until next time, CJ.

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