Thursday, February 12, 2015

TH8 War Base

Hey there clashers, some of you may know me from the CoC forums or from chatting with me in the game and you may know me as susi0308. I'm a bit new to posting about clash so excuse any mistakes  I may make. Anyways, today I'm showing you what could possibly be one of the most effective war bases for mid TH8's.

Credit goes to Jason5267 of the Supercell forums.
- Air Defenses are triangulated, meaning that they are currently defending as much of the air space as possible.
- The mortars are in a square shape which allows for coverage of the entire base, although I'd suggest moving the two bottom ones closer to the wiz tower.
- Triangulated wiz towers.
- The BK (barb king) being on the border of the outside means he really can't do much. I'd suggest that since it's a war base you switch him with the DE storage.
- CC (clan castle) is easily lurable since it isn't completely in the center, although depending on what's in it you may not have to worry about that.
- Can be destroyed by hogs. Although what TH8 can't be?

Here are some war defence summaries to prove how effective this base is:

Thanks for checking this out. I hope you'll check back for more bases and posts, hopefully my next couple posts will get better than this one. Until next time, CJ.

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