Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ultimate Balloonion Guide for Trophy Push


Hey everyone, welcome to the Ultimate Balloonion Guide. This handy guide is used mostly for trophy pushing, and is not advised to use as a farming method. This guide is optimal for people with Town Hall 8 and at least 200 spaces in the army camps. You can also use this strategy if you're a Town Hall 7, but it'll be a bit harder. I will be writing this guide with the intention of it being read and used by TH8s and not TH7s.

You may be asking "What is Balloonion?" Balloonion is a combination of Balloons and Minions. It's a popular strategy that is used from Crystal all the way up to Champions. This strategy is an all air attack. 

Troop Composition

Assuming you have both your dark barracks (as TH8). This is also assuming that you have all four of your regular army barracks to at least level 6. Training the combination of troops below takes about 30 minutes.

  • x60 Minions
  • x16 Balloons

These numbers can be changed depending on your strategy. Other possible combinations are x24 Balloons and x40 Minions. Another possible assortment is 20x Balloon and 50x Minions. 

Balloons are the attackers in this combination, and minions are the supporters. If your minions are dying out to quickly, add more minions and lower the amount of balloons. 


If I'm using the combination of troops that takes about half an hour to train, I'll be packing a healing spell as well. If I'm using the x24 balloons assortment I'll be bringing a rage spell. It's all about personal preference.

Healing Spell: Healing spells heal your troops. They affect both ground and air troops. Healing spells offer respite to the balloons when ganging up on a wizard. When using a healing spell, make sure you use it when your balloons reach 35-45% in health, and make sure to place the spell a little bit ahead of your troops so they can continue to heal if they head in that direction. 

Rage Spell: Rage offers increase in damage to your troops as well as increase in speed. This does not help too much as balloons already to an incredible amount of DPS (damage per second). However, rage spells are usually used for speed in balloons. I'm sure you've noticed by now, that balloons are incredibly slow, it's what offsets their high DPS. The rage spell increases their speed and is very helpful when getting close to and taking out pesky air defenses as well as wizard towers. Rage spells can also be used on minions when they reach the core of the base. A group of minions can do a lot of damage when placed in the core and enhanced by a rage spell. 


This is the 'fun' part. The Balloonion strategy, like expressed earlier, is typically used for trophy pushing, so I'll be explaining how to attack in Crystal League as well as Gold. 

CC: There is no real requirement for what you place here, but I recommend air troops or wizards. I usually have mine filled with balloons. Dragons will work as well. 

Searching for a Base: In Crystal there are loads of TH9 and TH10 to deal with. There is also the occasional TH8. In Crystal, it is highly recommended to bring al three of your spells (2x rage 1x heal or 1x rage 2x heal), this ensures you can take out any and all TH8 bases. If it's a TH8 and you only have one spell, you can take it out, but it'll be difficult and it's likely you will receive at least one star. When attacking a TH9, try to find a base where they have one or two wizards towers down or where the wizard tower is level 5 or below. This is not a requirement, but it's advised to look for wizard towers that are close to the edge as they'll be easier to take out. All in all, look for vulnerable wizard towers. 

Attacking the Base: 

  1. Lure out the CC (if applicable).You have three minutes to attack the base, take your time to plan out a strategy. First drop two minions to distract the attention of air defenses, wizards, and archers. Drop a single balloon and have it drift towards the center of the base. If CC is not lured, repeat process until it is. Usually, this is not an issue. Once lured, drop a minion at the far corner of the base.  The CC troops will head towards to minion at the corner of the base. Spam a few more minions to take out the rest of the CC troops. 
  2. Wizards are all about splash damage, so if there are two wizard towers close together, try to attack them. Especially if you have two heal spells. So what you want to do is drop one balloon to snag it's attention, then drop six more behind it. Drop a heal spell. The other wizard to the same thing. After they're down, drop some minions.
  3. If you have two rage spells and only one healing spell, do the opposite. Only go near one wizard tower, but apply the same strategy with spells and troops.
  4. Place your remaining balloons close to a defense that is distracted. At this point, if you still have minions, use them to follow up your balloons as added support and to collect the loot. 
  5. If you have a Barbarian King, feel free to place him near the edges of the map if there are buildings in the corner as balloons are rather slow and may not get the 100% because of the time constraint. 

Attack Logs


Thanks for reading, and I hope this guide helps you when you attack using balloons. I used this guide specifically for trophy pushing, but it can used in wars as well. Hope you liked the post, leave a comment if you need help or extra tips for this style of raiding. 

Here below is a video to help you understand this strategy more. Visit us again for more guides and tutorials.

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