Sunday, May 10, 2015

TH8 Farming Base - Layer Cake

Okay so let's get right to it, this base is the farming variation of the previous base. You'll be able to see that the traps and walls are around the same place but the loot positioning changes. You could switch the storages depending on what you are farming.

Credit to HarvesterUT from the forums
Wall layout:

Design Principles from the creator:

- Controlling enemy troop movement is the most important factor for TH8 war bases. Making ground and air troops move in circles or back and forth paths while taking damage is 100% critical to the success of this base.
- Central CC, Air Defenses, and heroes are must-do's at TH8. Dragons and balloons are too effective to leave Air Defenses hanging out on the edges. An unlurable CC is ideal, but it often requires design trade-offs which weaken the overall integrated defensive system a well designed base provides.
- Spread out bases are generally more difficult than dense bases. Troops have to move more, and the more the troops have to move the less useful they become. Then troops stop moving towards the center and start moving to the perimeter.

- Layout confuses troops.
- Triangulated mortars.
- Triangulated Air Defenses.
- Triangulated Teslas.
- Dark Elixir is at the heart of the base.
- Centralized CC.
- Centralized Barb King.

- Not a great farm base. It does offer a hybrid vault design, meaning that you can keep one resource safe while exposing the other.
- Exterior collectors and storages are easily farmed.
- Since the defenses are more outwards they can be taken by ranged troops.

That's all for now folks, leave suggestions/comments below. If you liked this post make sure to check out our many others. Until next time, CJ.

TH8 War Base - Layer Cake

Hello clashers, sorry for the long stretch of inactivity but I've had all of my finals close together. Anyways, today's base can be used for both farming and war, for now I'll be showing you the war version and will upload the farming one shortly afterwards.

Credit to HarvesterUT from the forums

Wall Layout:

Design Principles from the creator:
- Controlling enemy troop movement is the most important factor for TH8 war bases. Making ground and air troops move in circles or back and forth paths while taking damage is 100% critical to the success of this base.
- Central CC, Air Defenses, and heroes are must-do's at TH8. Dragons and balloons are too effective to leave Air Defenses hanging out on the edges. An unlurable CC is ideal, but it often requires design trade-offs which weaken the overall integrated defensive system a well designed base provides.
- Spread out bases are generally more difficult than dense bases. Troops have to move more, and the more the troops have to move the less useful they become. Then troops stop moving towards the center and start moving to the perimeter.

- Layout confuses troops. 
- Triangulated mortars.
- Triangulated Air Defenses.
- Triangulated Teslas.
- Barb King is in the center.
- CC in centralized.

- The defnses are kind of to the outer side so this makes it easier for ranged troops to get them.

That's all for today, if you have any suggestions or things to say make sure to comment below. If you liked this make sure to check out our posts. Until next time, CJ.