Monday, April 20, 2015

Change Your Village Name - Next Update Soon

Finally after a long time since the last update, we are recently beign given a hint of the next update. As you know Clash of Clans players always request new features and ideas, one of them and maybe one of the oldest is the ability to change the name of your own village. Today, on Clash of Clans facebook fanpage they released a hint saying that the long requested feature is going to come soon.

Below is the link and the image of the SuperCell announcement :

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Town Hall 9 Trophy/Push Base - Karas from Avernicus

It's been a long time since we've posted a base design. This base i found in SuperCell Forums posted by Avernicus and inspired from vinnyXO's NK Air. It called Karas鴉, strange name but it really good.

Not like the other bases, Karas鴉 is a really special one. Since it doesn't have symmetrical layout it's hard to predict how the troops will go. Also just to be clear, trophy bases will not guarantee you to win every defense, but will save some trophies because most of the attacks will get 1 star so you will lose from 4 to 12 trophies average. Back to the base, according to Avernicus it has been tested between Crystal 1 to Master III and has resulted pretty good.

Below is the base layout only walls :

Base with walls and traps :

Full base with all of the buildings :

Last image shows the radius of the Clan Castle, showing that is extremely hard to lure the troops out :


As we mentioned in the beginning of the post the asymetry of the base makes it hard to predict where the troops will go resulting on a failed attack. Also the centered Clan Castle is great if you have it filled with archers and wizzards. Thanks to Avernicus for sharing this base. Hope you enjoyed, please leave a reply if you have any idea or after testing this base.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

TH10 Hybrid Base - Turbine

Hello fellow clashers, today I bring you a TH10 base. This base is used as a pushing base, but it also works very well at protecting loot. This is very rare seeing as there are a ton of pushing bases out there that are very strong but are horrible at protecting loot. As you'll see shortly this base protects both.

Base - Turbine:
Credit goes to AustinSS from the forums

Wall Placement:

Bomb and Trap Placement:

- Centralized Tow Hall
- Close proximity Air Defenses and Wiz Towers
- Wide coverage for all storages
- The queen is in the core
- The Clan Castle is sort of centralized
- Barb king is outside of the walls
- Since the Clan Castle isn't centralized all the way it could be lured
Defense Logs:
Keep in mind that they had two x-bows down in these, but they're the only ones available.

Thanks for viewing and that's all for now. If you liked this or have used this base before make sure to let us know below on the comments. If you liked this post make sure to check out our many others. Until next time, CJ.