Thursday, October 30, 2014

Records in Clash of Clans - Hall of Fame

Here is a list with some of the records for Clash of Clans. The list contains records like biggest amount looted, biggest raid, richest player, highest level players, strongest clan, highest trophy level and much more. 

Trophy AddictHighest ever trophy4,673B0ssh0gg
Robin HoodHighest Gold looted [multiplayer]1,143,525LunarOptics
Queen of RibenaHighest Elixir looted [multiplayer]1,147,157fish262
Oil SmugglerHighest Dark Elixir looted [multiplayer]7,633MLD
Bank RobberHighest net loot [3 resources]2,294,375fish262
OCD FarmerHighest loot per troop716,073Lady Deathstryke [F4E]
D.E. MoleFirst One to Achieve Herioc Heist III8 May '13inigo montoya (Exploitation)
Stone Cold RaiderHighest Attacks Won Per Season1015
Victor ValoriumFirst To Complete 51/51 Achievements24 June '13inigo montoya (Exploitation)
King of ClansHighest clan trophy39,392Quantum's Web
ExploiterFirst farming clan9 Sept '12Exploitation
Mr. GenerousHighest donation score in a season340,000N8 from InTheDark
Mr. LeecherHighest troops received in a season18,179Sneaky-Dave from InTheDark
Quick BarsHighest total clan donation score222,953InTheDark
Richy RichHighest gem owned in game300,802Stier
InsomniacHighest experience level202Sneaky-Dave
Deadly SevenHighest experience level [TH7]79me
Deadly FourHighest experience level [TH4]78revnov
Berliner MauerFirst to max. level 9 walls11 Jan '13yusuf kaymak, TTKARM
MichaelangeloFirst to max. level 10 walls13 Jan '13TTKARM
Conan the BarbarianFirst to max. Barbarian King11 Jan '13Jessiebrar
LegolasFirst to max. Archer Queen11 Jan '13Jessiebrar
CentenariansFirst ever clan-The Order
Henry IVFirst player to reach 4,000 trophy28 Jan '13Jorge Yao
Henry IIIFirst player to reach 3,000 trophy3 Oct '12

If you have any good raid or screenshot of a big loot raid you can send it to us and we can post it on our website. Check us again for more tutorials and base layouts.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

TH7 Hybrid Base - Defense Log Proof

So here i'm back again with a new base design. This is a Town Hall level 7 hybrid base, really good one it protect your storage and loot along with trophies. Just to clear this out, hybrid bases aren't a guarantee that you will never lose or get 3 stared, but they are just made to make the attacker hard to destroy it.
This base was created by Clash of Clans Member : Nosae

So here it is the Town Hall level 7 hybrid base called : Hybro

Pros about Hybro :
  • Has a triangular mortar placement.
  • Archer Tower and Wizard Tower are placed in a strategic position.
  • Good surrounding buildings.

Cons about Hybro :

  • Clan Castle is not centralized.
  • Town Hall is a bit reachable from upper part.

Here is one screenshot from the defense log of this base, as you can see it's quite effective in certain trophy range and depends form the players who attack.

If you loved these base or you have any suggestion make sure to leave a reply below. Make sure to visit us again, till the "just clash".

Saturday, October 25, 2014

TH8 4 Mortar Farming Base Design - Splash Fire Park

Since the Hallowen Update which occured in 22/10/2014 and had many features and improvment's, there was a addition which was like a big suprise SuperCell added 4th Mortar available to buy at Town Hall level 8. This of course made all the base designs for Town Hall level 8 and above get outdated.

Here i'm going to show a farming base for Town Hall level 8 called Splash Fire Park. Reason why it's called like that it's becasue of the placment of the 4 Mortars which cover almost every corner of the base and create a big Splash Fire in certain areas of the base.

This base have 4 Mortar which create a square defense formation and every corner is protected by 2 Mortars, i think you can imagine what 2 Mortars do when they shoot the same time, massacre.
Second thing about this base is that Gold and Elixir Storages are divided in 3 sections making it difficult to achieve to steal all the loot from Town Hall level 9 and below. Side storage sections are protected by a layer of walls which keep Archers and Wizards away from snipping the loot.

Here is the speed build video of Splash Fire Park base design :

If you try this base please leave a reply below and tell us if it's effective or not. If you have any suggestion that please comment below. Come back for more guides and base designs. Clash On

Friday, October 24, 2014

Buy Barbarian King in 1 Day - Steal Dark Elixir Fast

Barbarian King right ? Everyone want's to have him, but you are having trouble on gathering all that Dark Elixir because you reach to 8,000 elixir and then you get raided and go down to 7,000. Well not anymore because i'm going to learn you how to get that Dark Elixir to buy the Barbarian King.

Since the Halloween Update 2 days ago SuperCell added a limited time feature to boost the Spell Factory for 1 gem. We are going to use it on our favor, if you know what i mean . . .

Stealing Dark Elixir with Lightning Spell Strategy

How does this strategy work ? Simple, you need to have a Spell Factory, if you have it than you have the Lightning Spell too. Now since the Halloween Update and the 1 gem boost for Spell Factory you can make Lightning Spell faster and by that you can make more attacks and steal more dark elixir. This means that now instead of 20 minutes of waiting for a Lightning Spell you must wait only 5 minutes.

Step 1 - Boost you Spell Factory with 1 gem for 2 hours.

Step 2 - Create as much Lightning Spell as your Spell Factory can hold.

Step 3 - After your spells are finished go to attack. When you see a opponent with atleast 750 dark elixir simply attack his Dark Elixir Storage and if you want to keep your trophies just take 50%.

Step 4 - Repeat this for atleast 10 times and you are going to have enough dark elixir to buy Barbarian King.

Which trophy level should i stay?

Here is a list with the best trophy level to stay while doing this strategy :

1000 - 1500 trophies = in this level you will see people with atleast 250 dark elixir.
1500 - 2000 trophies = in this level you will see people regulary bases with more than 750 dark elixir.
2000+ = in this level almost every base will have atleast 1000 dark elixir available to steal.

Tips while doing this strategy :

  1. Check you Defense Log list if there is anyone with a good amount of dark elixir to steal.
  2. Check the Dark Elixir Drills because if they are full you can steal more than 75% of it.
  3. Place your Dark Elixir Storage in a safe place inside of your base.
  4. Plan you time when you can attack atleast 4 times in a row so you don't get raided.
  5. Place your Town Hall outside the base, most of the times they will just take out your Town Hall.
Here are some of my raids with this strategy : 

If you will follow this stategy then make sure you will come back here and tell us your results whether it was good or bad. As always leave a comment below and make sure to come back for more tutorials.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Game Tyme vs Roman Empire | 111 - 30

Hey guys, this is KeyLogger (co-leader at Game Tyme) and today i'm going to post the first report from our most recent war. I hope i'll do this after every war, so please enjoy.

     Game Tyme vs Roman Empire

  111       -       30

War Description

This war was maybe too easy for our clan since the opponent clan was either inactive or just didn't wan't to attack. First hour after the battle day started we had more than 20 start and they had only 4. At the end of the battle day the final score was 111 - 30 for Game Tyme.

(members who got 3 stars)

  1. Amjad Khan
  2. Mkhondeni (twice)
  3. Xris (twice)
  4. Yosef
  5. Lord Megatron (twice)
  6. Vuyo
  7. Kobi
  8. H31R1CH
  9. KeyLogger
  10. Barry
  11. Maxamus331
  12. Nick
  13. Hata (twice)
  14. Connor
  15. LuckyLuke1510
  16. Antman177 (twice)
  17. @Bhishek (twice)
  18. Goxilla

(members who got kicked out for not attacking)

  1. Jason
  2. Charleyford123
  3. Challa
  4. DarkEvil

That's it for this report, congratulations to Game Tyme members and hope we will continue this way all the time. See you in the next war. 
If you liked this post please leave a comment below with you impression. More guides coming soon.

4th Mortar in Clash of Clans Update - Pros and Cons

After Clash of Clans October 2014 Update for the Halloween Weekend which occurred yesterday expect many surprises like Skeleton Traps, Clans search and interface improvments, player profile improvments and many more there was a big suprise : 4th Mortar.

Yea it's true, the 4th Mortar now it's avalibale to buy if you are Town Hall level 8 and above. Of course this brings a lot of confussion because 4 mortars are like a bit too much or will be hard to beat with Barch Strategy and for other players who farm a lot.

So here i'm going to write some pros and cons or having a 4th Mortar in Clash of Clans.

Cons of having a 4th Mortar in Clash of Clans :

  • Lower number of trophies - this is so easy to notice and to take it in consideration, good defense = attack lose. So with a 4th Mortar in game there will be harder to win of certain bases and this will cause in lower trophy among all players.
  • Every base design is outdated for Town Hall 8 and above - newest addition is going to throw in the trash can every base design for Town Hall 8 and above for some reasons. There is going to be some confusion and difficulties to adapt the 4th Mortar into base designs because this will force players to place something like Cannon, Archer Tower or even Dark Elixir drill outside of the safe walls.
  • Farming or Barching get's harder - most of the players when they need resources or try to max their base then they drop a few leagues and start farming or barching. With the 4th Mortar in game this is going to get harder because splash damage they do it's deadly for Archers and even Barbarians after a few hit's. Even though Barbarian and Archer level 7 troops was introduced in the last update the 4th Mortar looks like a revenge to them.

Pros of having a 4th Mortar in Clash of Clans :

  • Better base defense - of course the new Mortar will make Town Hall level 8 bases and above even stronger. They can be combined to make a square, diamond or rectangle and cover almost every corner of the base.
  • New defense or troop - the new addition will make or push the game developers to create new defense buildings or troop. In the current update the added a lot of defense improvement the 4th Mortar and Skeleton Traps so obviously it's time that in the next update there will be added a Cannon, Archer Tower, Wizard Tower or a new defense buildings. The same thing with troops, all these new defenses will make the developers to create new troops to handle the defense, or at least that's what is think.
  • Challenging game - this addition will make the game more challenging and will push players to use better troops and improve their army/strategies when attacking. Also if you are a hardcore gamer  that you'll love more challenge in game, right.

If you liked this post, please leave a comment below and if you ask don't hesitate to do it. More guides and posts comming soon.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Skeleton Trap - October 2014 Update

After the Halloween Update that was released todat among the new features and improvments there were was added a new trap, Skeleton Trap. This trap is becuase of the Halloween Weekend but it's confirmed that it's a permanent addtition and will be avaliable even after the Halloween.

For a detailed guide about the Clash of Clans Update check : October 2014 Full Features and Addition List

                                            Level 1 & 2                                      Level 3

 Information and Summary :

  • Skeleton Traps are coffins that take up 1x1 space. They remain hidden until attacking troop enter in it's radius.
  • When attacking troop enter it's radius the coffin raises from the groud and a groups of Skeletons raise from the ground around it, to attack nearby troops.
  • They can be set to attack Ground or Air troops.
  • The number of Skeletons that raise up depends on the level of the Trap. (check the list below)

Upgrading Information :

              Spawned Units          Upgrade Cost   Rearm Cost  Upgrade Time   Town Hall 

Level 1       2                        6,000        6,000       Instant         8
Level 2       3                      600,000        8,000       6 hours 8
Level 3       4                     1,300,000      10,000       1 day   9

So hope you love the Skeleton Trap addition, feel free to comment below anything you want or if you have a question about it.  New guides comming soon.

For a detailed guide about the Clash of Clans Update check : October 2014 Full Features and Addition List

Clash of Clans October 2014 Update 22/10/2014

Since the Halloween is comming soon and Clash of Clans has anonceed a new update with a lot of new things and features. A new game loading background, Skeleton Trap, improved Clan Setting and Search, improved Player Profile, 1 gem boost for Spell Factory, increased loot bonus in Clan Wars & Leagues and much more.

New Trap : The Skeleton Trap!

  • This trap is similiar to Clan Castle defence troops, because when attackers get in it's range a small group Skeletons get out and fight them.
  • The Skeleton Trap can be set to attack either ground or air troops.
  • Skeleton Traps become available at Town Hall 8 and can be upgraded to deloy more Skeltons at once.

Limited special treats during Halloween Weekend!

  • You can boost you Spell Factory for 1-gem!
  • Obstacles will be filled with Halloween Headstones and will give you special elixir bonus when you remove them.

Clan search and profile improvments!

  • Specify your Clan's war frequency and locatio in the Clan profile
  • Every Clan has a own unique #hashtag and can be found easier by it.
  • Search Clans by war frequency, location, member count and clan points.
Higher loot bonus for Clan Wars and Leagues.

  • Now you get higher loot bonus for Clan Wars and Leagues.
Boost improvments.

  • Boost all buildings which are the same type with one button.
  • During maintenance breaks Barracks, Spell Factory and Hero which are being boosted will be paused untill the break finishes and then countinue.
  • Reduced boost for Gold Mine and Elixir Pumps.
Other features and improvments.

  • A new Mortar is available to buy at Town Hall 8
  • Player profile now shows all troops and their levels of the player.
  • Army Camp troops are now visible to visitors when the tap info screen.
  • Removing time for obstacles is now lower.
  • More space for loot bonus on all Clan Castle levels.

This it right now, please leave a comment below if you want to ask anything and stay tuned beacause soon i will release full update list and features along with images.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How to hide elixir in Clash of Clans | Hide up to 600,000 elixir

Hello fellow clashers. So after a long day of farming and spending som elixir for an upgrade, you are left with a big amount of elixir in your storage no shield and time for bed is coming. What would you do ? 
I'll show you a way on how to hide up to 600,000 elixir from attackers. If you don't believe than read this tutorial.

1. Fill the Army Camps first !!!

First step is to fill the Army Camps first (whatever you want) because when the camps are full, Barracks allow you to queue troops inside with out being released into Army Camps and by that you basically fill the Barracks with elixir. So make sure your Army Camps are fill up till the "Full" sign pop-up.

2. Choosing what troops to queue in Barracks.

Here we are going to choose troops with which we are going to fill up the Barracks. Now everything depends on you Barracks capacity and your troops training cost.

This best troops or army combination is "Wagon Army" which is a army made by Dragons and Wall Breakers. Mostly i prefer Wall Breakers because they take 2 space and it cost 3,500 elixir when fully maxed. So after you fill the Barracks with "Wagon Army" you can see that your elixir which was is storages now it's queued up it Barracks. Below you have a list with the best combinations to queue up Barracks depending on you Town Hall.

Town Hall 10: Three level 4 Dragons + Seven level 6 Wall Breakers + One level 6 Archer in each of the four level 10 Barracks = 603,200 Elixir

Town Hall 9: Three level 3 Dragons + Seven level 5 Wall Breakers + One level 6 Archer in each of the four level 10 Barracks = 517,200 Elixir

Town Hall 8: Three level 3 Dragons + Seven level 5 Wall Breakers + One level 5 Archer in each of the four level 10 Barracks = 516,800 Elixir

Town Hall 7: Three level 2 Dragons in each of the four level 9 Barracks = 360,000 Elixir

Town Hall 6: Twenty-seven level 3 Wall Breakers + One level 3 Archer in each of the three level 8 Barracks = 162,360 Elixir

Town Hall 5: Twenty-five level 2 Wall Breakers in each of the three level 7 Barracks = 112,500 Elixir

Town Hall 4: Twenty-two level 2 Wall Breakers + One level 2 Archer in each of the three level 6 Barracks = 99,240 Elixir

Town Hall 3:  Twenty level 1 Wall Breakers in each of the two level 5 Barracks = 40,000 Elixir

3. Don't forget to remove the queued troops !!!

After a good sleep in the morning, with you elixir hided in Barracks don't forget before making any attack to remove the queued troops form your Barracks, because you wouldn't want to have a army camp with 240 Wall Breakers. To remove queued troops from Barracks, click on the red - to un-queue troops inside.

That's it for today's tutorial, hope you have understand it and enjoyed it. Make sure to leave a comment below for this tutorial and if you have suggestion feel free to comment below.