So everyone who plays Clash of Clans know that there are various bots for PC where you can set them up to attack, donate, create army and collect all automatically basically sparing the time that would need you to do these.
But sometimes it happens that we don't have a PC or can meet the requiremtens of Bluestacks. Then here is a bot for Android than does the same thing I mentioned above. Dummy Sprite for Android.
Dummy Sprite is a automated tool used to automate games for fast progress. Dummy Sprite for Clash of Clans is very usefull it can do these things below :
Attack and raid
Create Army
Collect Resources
Donate to clanmates
To download and use Dummy Sprite you need super user (Root) access so click here to get Root Master v2.4 for free.
The moment that more than 8 million players of Clash of Clans have been waiting for. The announcement of the third hero is live. I'm so excited while writing this. His name is Grand Warden and he has multiply abilities to use him on defense and offense.
Some of his abilities are :
1. He can walk and fly. 2. Has a range radius where troop receive a HP boost. 3. Has ability to make troop invincible when using special ability.
Below is a video made by chief Pat showing more details about the new hero the Grand Warden :
So while I was browsing around the Clash of Clans Community i found this really wierd object. I had to check it out with my own eyes, so i tired and found the information about this. The "mystical mystery object" it's a stone that used to be in Clash of Clans in it's beginning at 2012 but while the time passed by they removed them so only those who keep't them from the time they started playing have it on their bases. Below is a photo and a video showing where to find this amazing object now gone extinct.
Clan name : DayOfReckoning Clan tag : #2RG2V8QR Player name : BrigandsRealm
So if anyone missed the Town Hall 11 announcment video you can find it HERE. In this new post we are going to talk about the new Town Hall 11 defense which was announced at ClashCon. What we know so far is :
The new defense is similar to Inferno Towers.
It shoot or strikes Lava.
It has a range that covers the whole map and more.
It get's activated only if you deploy a certain number of heavy troops like Pekka, Golems . . .
Unlocks at Town Hall 11
But everyone want to see it live, how it works and what it does right? Well don't worry since we took a part of ClashCon live stream and cut it to show you how it works. Enjoy.
We are back with another new Sneak Peak that is released on ClashCon. Since the Town Hall 11 is confirmed (see here : Town Hall 11 CONFIRMED) we got a new defense. It's look really cool and dangerous. Currently we don't have any idea how much damage it has of what the pourpose of it but we do have a image of it and it's looks something like a laser or modified inferno. Below we included a image of the new Town Hall 11 defense which looks awesome. Visit us again in a while since we are going to post another Sneak Peak really soon.
Here is a new video of the Town Hall 11 new defense in action :
It's confimed and we are so excited to see it live. ClashCon started and it's livestreaming right now. They are currently announcing Sneak Peaks live so you better watch the stream on the right site of our website or here below :
Here is the annoucnment video in case you missed it :
This Sneak Peak is confirmed by everyone. I took some extra photos you can see below. Since today is Saturday you better stay tuned and wait do new Sneak Peaks. Hopefully we will see this update live on Monday or Tuesday. Below are some extra images for you :
So we are back with another news from the Halloween 2015 Update. Few minutes ago SuperCell just released an optional update with this description :
A frightful night returns to Clash For a limited time, experience the spooky Halloween Clash theme with possessed Poison Spells, bubbling Cauldron obstacles and more!
So you might wonder what is new. Well nothing expect the Halloween Cauldron and Halloween themed obstacles like the last year on Hallowen 2014 Update. As i mentioned in the beginning this is a optional update and the update we are waiting is going to be during ClashCon or the days after it. ClashCon is going to be in 2 days starting at 11:00.
Here we attached some images of the Halloween themed obstacles which come with this optional update released by SuperCell. We remind you that ClashCon is 2 days away and so is the game changing update. Clash on and visit us again.